Scannex Support
Scannex is committed to excellence and the highest levels of customer service.
Downloads for all our products - firmware, utilities & tools, and documentation.
Contact our support team if you need help or answers to your questions!
Top Downloads
SEDiscover-plus Application (1Mb) 2015-11-03
v3.0.7.28. Includes diagnostics and upload facility. Installable version
SEDiscover-plus Application (800kb) 2015-11-03
v3.0.7.28. Includes diagnostics and upload facility. Non-install ZIP version + manual.
SEfind PHP tool. Command line tool to find Scannex buffers on LAN (3kb) 2012-05-16
Suitable for Mac & Linux
Security Notifications for the ip.buffer (83kb) 2014-10-23
ip.buffer v3.20.340 firmware (1Mb) 2025-02-07
SSL/TLS/SSH capable. (We suggest you check that you can legally use cryptography in your region)
ip.buffer User Manual v3.01 (1Mb) 2021-03-03
ip.buffer OEM Manual v3.20 (online) 2024-12-23
ip.buffer OEM & Lua Manual v3.01 (585kb) 2021-03-01
ip.buffer N4X Technical Reference Manual (938kb) 2023-03-10
ip.buffer N4X user manual (addendum to main manual) (331kb) 2021-04-13
Security Notifications for the ip.buffer (83kb) 2014-10-23
rt.buffer.Lua.v4.21.0268 Main application firmware for rt.buffer (500kb) 2024-09-13